Willie | Dachshund | 12-13 Years Old | 14 pounds, the smallest of the Darby dogs! Son of Susan and Terry Darby, Colorado Springs

Oh, hi, new friend. I’m Willie, the new spokesdog for HSPPR! Don’t have any treats on you, do you? Because I love treats! No? That’s ok, I’ll tell you my story anyway. I’m an HSPPR alum just like thousands and thousands of my furry friends. I was brought into HSPPR when I was about 9 years young, and I was in pretty rough shape! My toenails were super long, my teeth were awful, and I had a few other age-related health problems. But that didn’t matter to my new parents, who happened to be at HSPPR for a special fundraiser event. They have a thing for dachshunds, you see, and as soon as they saw me, it was love at first sight for all of us!
Now how do I spend my days? I’ve got one word for you. FOOD. I’m the family vacuum cleaner, you might say. I make sure there are no loose crumbs, floor drips, or lonely pieces of food left in any dog dishes. Brothers and sisters? Oh yeah, I’ve got them too. I love hanging out with my brother Ziggy and my sister Nala Bell. Nala is VERY shy, so like any good brother, I protect her and cuddle with her whenever she needs it. I also do regular squirrel patrols for my family. This takes up a lot of my time, but it’s worth it to keep those fluffy guys out of my yard! Oh, and I love car rides. You never know where you are going to end up! Sometimes it’s Sonic, where I get tater tots. Sometimes I just sit in the window and watch the world go by. And sometimes it’s an adventure, like the time we went to Estes Park! But what do I love most of all? That’s easy. It’s cuddle time with Mom and Dad! I’m a great sofa snuggler, especially in the winter so I can keep them nice and warm.
Sounds like the good life? You betcha! And I want to make sure my furry friends at HSPPR have the best chance possible to find this life, too. You can find out more about my canine and feline friends here! I tell EVERYONE I meet that I was adopted – because seniors really make the best pets! Don’t pass up that sweet senior, just because he has some bad teeth. HSPPR will take care of them, and he will be so grateful to be a part of your life! HSPPR does so much for all pets, not just me. They investigate animal cruelty cases. They help seniors with teeth issues, lump biopsies and more. And they even put young puppies and kittens through their foster care program.
And if you can’t adopt right now, you can still show HSPPR you care and help my friends find a great family like mine. Click here to make a donation so the caring folks at HSPPR can help even more lost and homeless animals.