March 16, 2021

Puppy Press Conference in support of the Colorado Socially Conscious Shelter Act

Puppy Press Conference in support of the Colorado Socially Conscious Shelter Act

DENVER, CO— The Colorado Socially Conscious Sheltering Act, House Bill 21-1160, will be heard in the House Agriculture, Livestock and Water committee on March 22. To celebrate the bill and the positive impact it will have on our four-legged companions, sponsors Monica Duran and Matt Soper are hosting a virtual “Puppy Press Conference” immediately before the hearing.

The sponsors are inviting legislators and the media to grab their pets and participate in an online Zoom call discussing the opportunity to make Colorado the first Socially Conscious Sheltering state. Speakers will include the sponsors, as well as supporters like Ali Mickelson from the Dumb Friends League, Anna Stout from Animal Welfare Association of Colorado and Duane Adams from Humane Society of the Pikes Peak Region.

Socially Conscious Sheltering is a compassionate, transparent and thoughtful model of how shelters can best support vulnerable animals. It is a shared set of beliefs that animal welfare organizations around the world are embracing to create the best possible outcomes for shelter cats and dogs.

The Socially Conscious Sheltering bill ensures every healthy and safe cat and dog in a shelter is placed in an appropriate home or living situation, and the basic medical and behavioral needs of cats and dogs are properly and individually addressed while they are in the care of a shelter or rescue. This legislation will lead the nation in creating the best, safest and most humane outcomes for animals across Colorado.

WHAT: HB21 – 1160 Socially Conscious Sheltering Act – Puppy Press Conference

WHEN: Monday, March 22, Noon

WHERE: Virtual – Zoom,

VISUALS: Pets supporting the Socially Conscious Shelter Act with their owners

CONTACT: Joan Thielen, 303.419.1162
